Building a Sliding Puzzle with Go

Building a game is an excellent way of starting programming. Tons of people have started programming because they wanted to create computer games. Even me, back in 2010, had one of my first projects to write a small game when I was still in my Technician course. In this course, we used Python to develop a slide puzzle. It was very challenging because I had to learn about the game mechanics and GUI, but I could handle the project. [Read More]

First steps with Go linters

Linter is a static code analysis tool used to find programming errors, bugs, leaks of code standards, and even security flaws. These tools help developers because they save time by identifying issues before they happen in the production environment. It also keeps developers from unnecessarily checking if your colleague used the team standards. Each programming language has their own tools: Ruby has Rubocop , JS has Eslint , and Go can’t be different. [Read More]

Introduction to templating with Go

Computer and programming languages were born to make our lives easier, as they automatize day-to-day tasks. Programmers and software engineers usually have to build files that are almost the same as others, where the only change is one field or another. For example, there are configuration files, invoices, XMLs, HTMLs or any file which we can use to build other files. There is a simple solution for this problem: we can create a template and change the parts that I need manually! [Read More]

Writing Kong plugins with Go

The Kong, quoting its own documentation , is an open-source API gateway, cloud-native, platform-agnostic, scalable API Gateway distinguished for its high performance and extensibility via plugins. Kong has a lot of official plugins that allow us to customize what we need, and when there aren’t any available, you can build your own. The default language for building plugins its Lua, but other languages are supported, including Go. I don’t have much experience writing code with Lua, so using Go allows me a higher development speed and quality on my plugins. [Read More]

Introduction to Concurrency in Go

One of the best Go features is how easy we can use concurrency. The language gives us goroutines, which are like lightweight threads managed by the Go runtime. It help us to run several functions at the same instant and is very helpful if you wish to improve the performance of your application. Using this feature is easy as adding the go keyword before any function call. This will make the function run concurrently. [Read More]